Danilo Pau

Danilo Pau

Danilo Pau, graduated at Politecnico di Milano, on 1992 in Electronic Engineering. He joined SGS-THOMSON (now STMicroelectronics) on 1991 and worked on mpeg2 video memory reduction, then video coding, embedded graphics, computer vision, and currently on deep learning. During his career helped in transferring those developments into company products. Also funded and served as 1st Chairman of the STMicroelectronics Technical Staff Italian Community; he is currently Technical Director into System Research and Applications and a Fellow Member of ST. Since 2019 Danilo is an IEEE Fellow, serves as Industry Ambassador coordinator for IEEE Region 8 South Europe, is vice chair of the Task Force on “Intelligent Cyber-Physical Systems” within IEEE CIS and Member for the Machine learning, Deep learning and AI in CE (MDA) Technical Stream Committee IEEE Consumer Electronics Society (CESoc).

Contributed with 113 documents the development of Compact Descriptors for Visual Search (CDVS), CDVS successfully developed ISO-IEC 15938-13 MPEG standard. He was Funding Chair of MPEG Ad Hoc Group on Compact Descriptor for Video Analysis (CDVA), formerly Compact Descriptors for Video Search (CDViS). He also contributes (applications) to MPAI.community recently started by L. Chiariglione. His scientific production consists of 91 papers to date, 78 granted patents and more than 23 invited talks/seminars at various universities and conferences. He was also principal investigator into numerous funded projects at European and Italian level on embedded systems.

Danilo tutored lots of undergraduate students (till Msc graduation), Msc engineers and PhD students from various universities in Italy and India, one of the activities that he likes at most.

Eventi Danilo Pau

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