Francesco Testa

Francesco Testa

Francesco Testa is Associate Professor -at the Institute of Management, Sustainability Management area. He has specialized in the economics and management of innovative environmental policy instruments and their relationship with the economy fundamentals and competitiveness. He is lecturer in Environmental Management at the international PhD in Management (Innovation, Sustainability and Healthcare), at the Master of environmental Management and Audit –efficient management of resources held at Sant’Anna School and in the ordinary course at SSSA. He has been working on many pilot projects promoted by European Commission in the field of eco-innovation, circular economy, environmental management, and analysis of the relationship between environmental management, resource efficiency and competitiveness. He has authored more than 70 articles, books, and book chapters on those topics, most of them articles in international peer reviewed journals such as Business Strategy and Environment, R&D Management, Journal of Environmental Management, Journal of Cleaner Production.

Eventi Francesco Testa

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