Le scienze dimenticate – Come le discipline umanistiche hanno cambiato il mondo
Technophilosophical connections
Today, thanks to a fruitful transdisciplinary dialogue, we can try to overcome numerous dualisms in the modern world based on binary oppositions and on explicit or implicit hierarchies. In the same way that contemporary philosophy makes human/animal and animal/vegetable boundaries permeable, eco-critique goes beyond the nature/culture distinction and the prospect of a post-human reality redefines the human being in relation to other sentient beings: organic, inorganic and artificial. Fruitful critical thoughts also reconsider the nature/technology antinomy and the distinction between natural sciences and humanities, overcoming the consolidated preconception - the result of the subdivision of knowledge in modern times - according to which, only the former 'explain' the world, while the latter would be limited to 'interpreting it'. The stimulating paradigm shift proposed by this renegotiation of boundaries will be illustrated and discussed by scholars from various subject areas.
Technophilosophical connections