The training and educational itineraries of the T-Tour area (Tutorial Tour) are one of the key features at the Internet Festival. The goal of the T-Tours is to stimulate curiosity towards digital innovation and offer useful tools to help get one's bearings in the boundless world of the Internet and of technology. They are a journey through innovation and one of discovery of the possible forms of future and in the pursuit of the digital revolution.
They include activities aimed at every age group: from digital natives to tomorrow's professionals, from uncertain surfers to experts in the field. There will be numerous activities designed for primary and secondary school students, for whom the T-Tours are an integral part of the educational activities offered by schools.
Numerous formats were adopted to ensure the active involvement of participants, both through face-to-face activities (which include games, workshops, tutorials, shows, exhibitions and installations), and online activities. Among the latter, the rich program of courses for teachers stands out recognised by the MIUR (Ministry of Education, University and Research), created in collaboration with INDIRE (National Institute of Documentation, Innovation and Educational Research) and IRSEF (Institute for Research and Study of Education and Family).
- 6-11 ottobre, Centro Congressi Le Benedettine
- 6-9 ottobre, Museo delle Navi Antiche di Pisa
- 6-10 ottobre, Italia 3D Academy
- 8-9 ottobre, Manifatture Digitali Cinema
- 8-11 ottobre, Logge dei Banchi
- 10, 11, 24, 31 ottobre, corsi online per docenti
All T-Tour events are free and freely accessible until places run out. Booking is required for schools and large groups and recommended for individual visitors.
The booking system will be active starting from September by connecting to the website 2020.internetfestival.it and following the indications for each event. It is not necessary to print a paper ticket.
For information and booking assistance call +39 392 9725420 (Letizia) or email letizia@internetfestival.itThe staff of Internet Festival – Forme di Futuro will be happy to offer organizational support to customize educational paths based on specific needs.
T-Tour Categories
- Blockchain
- Coding e Robotica
- Creatività e Innovazione
- Cybersecurity
- Digital Humanities
- Game Based Learning
- Logica e Algoritmi
- Metodologie Didattiche Innovative
- Mostre e Installazioni
- Orientamento e Opportunità
- Sviluppo Sostenibile ed Educazione Ambientale
- Tecnologia & Internet of Things
- Uso Consapevole della Rete
T-Tour Events
Silicio. Dall’invenzione del microprocessore alla nuova scienza della consapevolezza
T-Tour (Tecnologia & Internet of Things)
Ripensare l’ufficio nell’era post-crisi (o del “new normal”)
T-Tour (Tecnologia & Internet of Things)