Alice Avallone

Alice Avallone

Alice Avallone runs Be Unsocial, a digital anthropology observatory. She teaches digital storytelling at Scuola Holden in Turin and she is also a researcher of insight, small data and trends for brands. In 2009 Alice founded the digital travel magazine Nuok with which has signed three travel guides (Bur) and has won numerous awards; among these the WWW Award of Il Sole 24Ore and The World Summit Youth Award organized by the UN. In 2018 Alice published an essay on the netnographic approach, People Watching in Rete. Ricercare, osservare, descrivere con l'etnografia digitale (Cesati). Her latest book is about how to engage tourists and travellers in the digital era: Immaginari per viaggiatori. Raccontare territori, luoghi e storie al turista (Cesati).

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