Regione Toscana - Ufficio Giovanisì

Regione Toscana - Ufficio Giovanisì

Giovanisì is the project promoted by Regione Toscana to help young people become independent. It is based on 7 areas: Internships, Housing, Civil Service, Entrepreneurship, Education and Training, Employment and Giovanisì+ (which includes projects and initiatives in fields such as participation, culture, legality, sport and social issues). Giovanisì started in June 2011 with the aim to integrate the existing youth policies at regional level and, at the same time, to create new lines of interventions. More than € 1 billion It is financed by regional, national and European funds (ROP ESF – ROP ERDF – RDP EAFRD) have been allocated to the project since its implementation. More than 335.000 the young beneficiaries of the project. The main aims of the project are: – To improve opportunities in the field of education and training – To facilitate the transition from school to work – To facilitate the start-up of new enterprises The project is aimed at young people up to 40 years old, different age restrictions apply to different areas of the project. From May 2014, Youth Guarantee-Regione Toscana was integrated into Giovanisì.

Eventi Regione Toscana - Ufficio Giovanisì

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