Michele Di Paola

Michele Di Paola

Michele Di Paola is 48 years old and he works since the last century in Italy and Europe, using non formal approaches and preferring themes as using digital tools and environments in education, and exploring the digital dimension of competences. He has a specific focus on using video games as educational tools. He attended art and literature studies balanced with a strong passion for technology, and for many years he's been a member of the staff of Spazio Giovani non profit company, delivering activities in many schools in Lombardy. He is the champion of Coderdojo Monza. In 2013 he co-founded CampusLaCamilla, a summer school devoted to using technologies as educational tools to boost kids' creativity. When he is not somewhere around Europe, he's home with Silvia and Martino, busy debating Minecraft or Star Wars or tinkering with his collection of vintage Apple computers with multicolor apple logos

Eventi Michele Di Paola

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