Nicola Barbuti

Nicola Barbuti

Assistant Professor in Archival and Library and Information Science at the Department of Humanities (DISUM) of the University of Bari Aldo Moro.
He researches and teaches on the fields of library and information science, digital cultural heritage, digital humanities, history of the ancient printed book, history of book censorship.
He is member of national and international Scientific Committee and Research Groups active on the impact of digitization and digital transformation on education, culture and cultural heritage.
He is member of the main national and international scientific associations in both the library and information science and digital humanities fields.
He published over 60 scientific papers and monographs on the above topics.
For some years he has been collaborating with INDIRE and with Italian schools in projects for innovative education on digitization and digital creation, aiming at developing an aware digital culture in youth.

Eventi Nicola Barbuti

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