Roberto Vlad Lorenzoni

Roberto Vlad Lorenzoni

I'm Roberto Vlad Lorenzoni, born in 2000 and an Aereospace Engineering student at Politecnico di Milano. My knowledge of Physics and Coding made me able to develop various programs on Matlab linked to space problems, one of which the three-body problem in celestial mechanics. Formula One is one of my passion, and usually I go karting. During my free time, I play the violin and practice digital drawing on photoshop. I am a Gamer and actually, I play professionally in a League of Legends team. I also did some volunteering in the journalism world, in particular videomaking post-production and managing video and audio recording during cultural events. Since all those things don't give you money, I worked also as a waiter at Cala Felice at night.

Eventi Roberto Vlad Lorenzoni

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