Marinella Petrocchi
Marinella Petrocchi (M.Sc. 1999, Ph.D. 2005) is a Senior Researcher in Information Engineering at the Secure and Trustworthy Future Internet group of IIT-CNR, in Pisa, Italy.
For years, she also collaborates with IMT Scuola Alti Studi Lucca, as guest scholar of the SySMA Research Unit.
Her research interests include the automatic evaluation of quality and reliability of online information and the behavioral modeling of users in social networks.
She is currently involved in the TOFFEe project (TOols for Fighting FakEs), funded by IMT under the programme ‘Integrated Activity Projects’ and participates in Sparta and Medina, both funded by the European Union under the H2020 programme.
In the past years, she was responsible for the My Information Bubble project, to investigate if and how online users are trapped in information bubbles by search engines and social networks; she was the coordinator of the regional MyChoice project, on detection of fake reviews.
She serves and has served as organizer and programme committee member of several
international conferences and magazines. Homepage: