![Orbite economiche](https://2020.internetfestival.it/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/IF20_areetem_Orbite_economiche.png)
Economic orbits
The digital revolution's drive for change in the economic sector has been and continues to be powerful and unstoppable. There are a great many keywords that identify its innovative strength and, above all, the best political-financial strategies.
This new geography of work not only privileges the quality and specialisation of work and workers, but also places where it is possible to give rise to complex ecosystems, in which exchanges and relationships favour new ways of doing business. Creativity itself becomes a fundamental economic factor for the creation of hubs for producing ideas, knowledge and value where human capital made up of highly specialized and competent workers comes up with new products and new production processes. Furthermore, the sharing of knowledge increases productivity through continuous interaction between innovators. Co-creation makes innovation a great collective process where individual creativity and prudent investments make private and public co-protagonists of the economic-production process. Additionally, big data, which is the result of all the digital interactions that contemporary life offers, is currently the basis for decisions and information that guide all of our lives. One of their analyses, which is not only technological, but immersive and/or ethnographic, reveals cultural, social and emotional contexts that contribute to reaching levels of understanding of reality beyond the reach of algorithms. New, strong, complex and interconnected elements that determine the capacity to evolve towards global growth that is smart, sustainable and inclusive.
- 10 Ottobre Centro Congressi Le Benedettine;
- 10 Ottobre Officine Garibaldi;
- 23 Settembre, 8-9 Ottobre, 22 Ottobre e 27 Novembre Online