Enabling Technologies For Space Sector Innovation

Organizzato da CNR-IEIIT in collaborazione con Internet Festival

The rapid pace of technological evolution is inducting profound changes in all industrial sectors, including Space, where new entrants, attracted by encouraging markets perspectives, are leading to a strong diversification of products and services, where the adoption of potentially disruptive technologies are presented as key enablers for minimization of total costs of ownership. Traditional players, like Thales Alenia Space, being also challenged by the pressure of Digital Transformation and Industry 4.0, cannot ignore these trends, where true innovation is seldom strongly conditioned by inclusion of new technologies just studied at level of basic research.
As matter of facts, the gap to move from basic research to industrialization/commercialization can be filled only sharing common views, distributing the effort between interested parties, where CNR can play the role of enabler of technology development and transfer. To this end, the present speech will start from a very high level presentation of Thales Alenia Space product lines, followed by the presentation of new technologies currently considered of primary interest, namely those related to advances materials and manufacturing, artificial intelligence/deep learning, cyber security, optical communication, quantum technologies. RF and digital electronics, declined according to the differentiation of product lines.

Dates and Times

  • From 10/09/2020 17:30 to 10/09/2020 18:30

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