IF Prima fila

IF First row

What would we have done during the lockdown if we didn't have books, music, shows, films and games? Without leaving the house, and thanks to digital connections, our sofas, our bookcases and our screens have been enriched with events, performances, shows, initiatives, presentations. A forced, but happy short circuit released contents linked to a traditionally functional distribution with the public present. No longer moments of free time, but essential pieces of life allowing you to feel an active part of a community that sees culture not only as a form of personal enrichment, but the necessary element for global reflections. At IF2020, the mash up between digital and physical, between streaming and live, between pages browsed and videos and between real sunsets and pixel images continues, populating and reflecting the entire city in the immateriality of the web with numerous recreational and cultural initiatives aimed at livening up our days during and beyond the four days of the Festival.

  • 8-11 ottobre, Manifatture Digitali Cinema
  • 8-11 ottobre, Logge dei Banchi
  • 8-11 ottobre, Cinema Arsenale
  • 11 ottobre, Lumière

Eventi IF Prima fila

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