Digital news matter

Digital news matter

Infodemic is a term that indicates "the circulation of an excessive amount of information, not always carefully evaluated, which makes it difficult to find one's bearings on a specific topic due to the difficulty in identifying reliable sources". A neologism that comes from info(rmation) and (epi)demic and that underlines how, more than a virus, the greatest danger of today's society in the age of social media is the distortion of reality read through an uninterrupted flow of information, in which there is a great deal of space for echoes and comments from the global community about real or often fabricated facts. But how much does the information epidemic affect not only the perception of reality, but above all the decisions that derive from it? How is quality information identified and qualified? Is the power of large social platforms the reservoir or the antidote to the information virus? The discussion is open and heated to the point of igniting the electoral campaign and even the elections of the future US president.

  • 8 e 10 ottobre, Centro Congressi Le Benedettine
  • 6-9 e 29 Ottobre Online

Eventi Digital news matter

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